Friday 11 August 2017

Effectiveness of Crisis Communication in Crisis Management

Introduction to business crisis
In the corporate world, crisis is the emergence of unpredictable and unforeseen condition which disturbs the routine operations of the business and builds negative image of the company in the market. It requires managers to divert their efforts from the planning and apply necessary contingent measures to mitigate this unexpected situation. Therefore, it makes the task of realizing organizational goals difficult. It endangers the goodwill and market value of the company (Coombs, 2014).

Effective management of crisis
The task of managing crisis is very complex and challenging for the organization. The unsuccessful efforts of managing crisis adverse impact on the organization’s image and stakeholders such as shareholders and creditors of the company, employees working in the company, customers, suppliers, and others. In this world of technology, the news of business crisis spread like a virus in a very short span. The role of broadcast media such news channels on television, radio and social networking sites is very crucial in disseminating news of business crisis.
Business has to invest lots of time and hard work to taste the fruit of social asset like reputation. Crisis destroys this hard earned reputation of the company by scattering the expectations of company’s stakeholders. In such situations, the stakeholders exhibit unfavorable behavior and interaction. It has significant impact on the financial position of business due to decline sales, low productivity, etc. Every small and large business organization is likely to come across this kind of unexpected situation. Organizations need to show their readiness to fight with such unforeseen conditions and manage the situation of crisis effectively. Organization needs to form special crisis team or committee to analyzing and addressing several issues related to the crisis (Coombs, 2014).
Organization make efforts to reduce the threats to public safety, loss and damage to reputation and financial position by effectively implementing the process of crisis management. Every phase of the process i.e. phase before actual crisis, crisis event phase and phase after crisis (Ray, 1999). It is necessary to take measures to prevent crisis and the decision related to this falls in the stage of precrisis. In crisis event phase, organization takes necessary organizational and legal actions to overcome the situation of crisis and influence of endangering threats. The situation of crisis teach various lessons and precautions that should be taken to avoid such a critical situation in future. The postcrisis phase is concerned with empowering organization to deal with upcoming crisis. It would be irresponsible, unjust and unfair for organization just to assure victims for compensation. All the committed measures should be initiated in this phase.
Prevention of crisis by contingency planning     
The organization’s proactive approach during the pre-crisis stage help him to detect the possibilities of crisis and encourage it to introduce remedial actions to control or prevent the negative impacts of crisis on business. Timely actions ensures the avoidance of adverse critical situations. Contingency planning is an effective tool which deal effectively with uncertainty and emergency (Coombs, 2014). It lists down all the possible adverse circumstances that are likely to have negative impact on the image and financial position of the business. Moreover, it provides the list of actions and strategies to be initiated to mitigate each type of crisis. Crisis leads to the creation of stressful business environment which disturbs the rationality and speed of decision making. This concept of pre-planning allow managers to take rationale decision considering each and every aspect of the event. 

Importance of crisis communication
Crisis communication plays a very significant role in crisis management. It is an organizational process of timely communicating all relevant information related to crisis to internal and external stakeholders of the organization. Its aim is to protect the interest of stakeholders. An effective crisis communication ensures the resolution of differences between the organization and its stakeholders. It is necessary for the organization to create a message communicating the defined strategical steps of organization to handle the challenging situation of crisis. It supports in continuing and maintaining long-term relationship of organization with its valuable stakeholders (Coombs, 2014).
Crisis communication minimizes adversity of negative image
Volkswagen, Germany based automobile industry, had tried to breach the laws of environmental protection agency by installing the device that does not reveal true results of emissions test in around 11 million cars and commercial vehicles across the world.  This act of company has adversely affected the image as well as profitability of the company. It is disappointed the expectations of its stakeholders. However, the decision of the company to apologize for its mistake in the media and compensate victims by fixing the problem, by replacing defeat device with quality device, has helped to minimize negative impacts of scandal to certain extent (Akbar, 2016).
Role of crisis communication in reinforcing Positive image
Crises are unexpected and in many situations unavoidable. Organization cannot escape from the negative impacts of crisis easily. However, the use of effective crisis communication highlighting positive approach of organization helps it to maintain and strengthen its positive image (Ray, 1999). For example, the unexpected dreadful attack on the people sitting in the particular restaurant has adverse effect on the business of that restaurant. The number of customers will decrease due to the fear. Nevertheless, the restaurant’s strategy to communicate openly its decision to pay hospital charges for victims will support it to strengthen the positive image of the restaurant and would reduce effect of crisis to the great extent.
Benefits of timely and accurately dissemination of information
It is primary responsibility of the organization to provide all necessary details of catastrophic event to all its stakeholders. Hence, crisis communication is regarded as one of the vital component essential for the continuity of the business. The communication of all vital facts of the crisis on time will control the spread of myths, rumors, speculations, negative perceptions, etc. This negative ideas will affect the business further. Hence, it is advisable to communicate all necessary information honestly and promptly (Ray, 1999). The channel of communication should selected wisely as per the requirement of the type of information to be communicated.
Disclosure minimizes litigation
Many times, the organization is blamed to be involved in accounting scandals. This kind rumor affect the expectations of shareholders and creditors. In this type of crisis, it becomes necessary for the company to disclose its financial statements. The organization should select appropriate media to communicate stakeholders regarding the principles and policies followed by the organization for the purpose of accounting. If it fails to do so, the stakeholders will begin to consider rumors as a fact and may initiate legal actions. This will affect their relationship. Hence, the presentation of accounting reports openly and honestly are likely reduce the effects of legal issues involved in business crisis.
Precautionary measures of public relation agency
The management of crisis requires an organization to assign duties of addressing the issues related to media and press to the public relations agency. It is the responsibility of PR agency to ensure that any individual belonging internal to the organization should not give any statement in the media unless and until they have clear understanding of the facts pertaining to crisis. Misunderstanding may lead to mistakes which in turn makes the situation worst for the company. The effectiveness of communication helps in resolving crisis but the opposite has adverse impacts (Bernstein, 2013).
Requirement of coordination between legal advisers and public relation counsel
The suggestion provided by both important members of crisis team should conflict with each other. Many times, legal advisors suggest not to comment on the situation due to legal constraints. The public relation counsel knows very well that this situation would raise many more questions on the image of the business. Hence, it is necessary that both members should work out a consensus plan by considering benefits and limitations of each field. The partnership between legal advisor and Public relation counsel will help get effective solution to overcome crisis (Mahli, 2008).


Akbar, J. (2016). 'We are not a criminal brand': Volkswagen CEO defends under fire company in Detroit over emissions scandal. Retrieved February 6, 2016, from

Bernstein, J. (2013). The 10 Steps of Crisis Communications. Retrieved February 6, 2016,

Coombs, W. T. (2014). Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding: Planning, Managing, and Responding. London: SAGE Publications.

Mahli, P. L. (2008). Crisis Communication: How to Manage Them Effectively.

Ray, S. J. (1999). Strategic Communication in Crisis Management: Lessons from the Airline Industry. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. 

Saturday 6 May 2017

Not satisfied after exploring Earth!!! Try the virtual worlds with "Augmented Reality Games" if you cannot afford to go to MOON... ;)

Augmented Reality
Real Circle has nothing but augmented image has...
Was just sleeping and dreaming. All of a sudden (usually everybody can guess!! ๐Ÿ˜†), I woke up. That's when i realized about how i actually felt myself in between the picture of my dream. It's not like i was creating another Inception (DiCaprio already did that...), but it felt like i was really there.

All of these happened, when i was sleeping. If you are made to feel the same, like being into something imaginary is close to Augmented reality. There are many articles on internet if you want to take a look at the definition of Augmented reality. If you check the market, there is a wide rage of games available which gives you a chance to feel the charm. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ. Take a look at below mentioned video if want to feel amazed.

The games based on "Augmented Reality" are designed to create a virtual work over the layer of real world. Moreover, the game designer also place a moving object (like a cartoon, face or even a small gun), which will behave according to your physical movement in real world. such games use your mobile's gio-data to track the location of your availability. However, apart from mobile games, there are other types of games are also available which have already made a mark on public. (For a small example, When i went to games arena, i saw a boy playing bike game. he was on a toy bike which was projected on screen. All he has to do was ride the bike according to the track on screen... Awesome!!! this is also augmented reality).

Here, comes few big names in the world of Augmented Reality Games.

Pokรฉmon Go
Pokรฉmon Go
This game has surely got more public than a Justin Biber's concert. I may not be required to introduce it but this game runs on a virtual world and player's avatar is displayed on this virtual world. The avatar moves along with physical movement of phone.various Pokรฉshops and other activities increased market of this game. Game is developed by Niantic. For more information, just get it from app store or visit the official site.

On the second number, Niantic developed (Again!!!) and published by Google, Ingress!! This game is in the market since 2012 and it is linked with google account. The game is to cover the area as much as possible and capture your portals. Portals are famous places of your locality. During the event, we can see the popularity of this game. A player has to cover the earth with his physical movement. There after, making strategies, upgrading levels, capturing more area and keeping it, etc. are the game terminologies, you'll hear if you are playing this game. For more information, you may want to visit their Ingress Official Site.

 Zombies, Run
 Zombies, Run
This is another competitive game from the year 2012. Developed and published by "Six to start", the game is running with 4.3 ratings on app-store. Brilliant developer has consumed the concept of zombies. In this game, running in virtual world to survive in between zombies is at theme. The missions can be in small townships of other race world. However, another type of play is virtual races. All of this fun will be included when you will visit the game in play store and download it. For the information seekers, it is good to visit their Zombies, Run!

Wonderbook: Book of Spells
Wonderbook: Book of Spells
Its time to leave your mobile and pick-up some real play. Here, comes the play-station game with a very effective graphics and attractive package of game. "Wonderbook: Book of Spells". The game has awesome impression as it has got many positive review. 2012 was the year of augmented reality games as this game was also released in the same year (third popular name from that year). Developed and published by "SCE London Studio" from the series of "Harry Potter". With the movement of play-station's instrument, pictorial graphics appear on the screen. Along with that, spells to cast are required to be pronounced. To take the knowledge about this game, you can jump to their website or videos: First Spells with Wonderbook™: Book of Spells

Diggs Nightcrawlers
Diggs Nightcrawlers
This single player play station game exists since 2013. This game is also based on the book but it has some advanced features. Along with turning pages, player needs to focus on making different moves of book in order to prepare future plot of play. The game starts with some videos of information and 3 chapter's story line. This game also provides facility to create photographs by using play-station as a camera. This game was developed by Moonbot studios and Exient Entertainment, however, it was published by Sony Computer Entertainment, Europe. If you want to know the details, you can take a look at Diggs Nightcrawlers, review.

The interesting thing is we are using augmented reality in our actual life and we are not aware of it. For example, QR code scanner app of google is designed using augmented reality, google translator app is highest used app, however, the app that simple, has also AR feature. With the increasing use of virtual world, No wonder if we may start to forget our neighbor in real world...

If you want to suggest, or correct anything here just comment, send me a mail, or call... :)

Sunday 27 November 2016

All that matters is Happiness!!!... ⤼

It’s been a year, since Naydu family went for outing anywhere. Full family was in a fresh mood. Even after journey started @ 10 PM, nobody was feeling sleepy. And why not? Such excitement becomes compulsory when you are getting something after a long time (& you are also waiting for it…).

Long time is referred in the sense that Mr & Mrs Naydu has stopped any kind of expense which is not fruitful or helpful in improving money condition of home. Their sacrifice is amazingly marvelous (after all, they are parents and the parenting, itself is a great task). Mrs Naydu spends her free time with close relatives and a sewing machine. In fact, she has considered that machine to be another companion of life apart from the husband. Her husband, Mr Naydu, a purely sincere business man, dedicated his life to serve their children. After saving every penny, they afforded a home.

Coming back to the trip, this time both husband, wife, their son 'Antariksh' and his wife 'Ruby'. Antariksh is an investment banker and earning sufficient to afford this full trip. Ruby is also an HR in a reputed firm. Even after getting this much achievement, they have decided to travel in sleeper class of train because they believe in simplicity. The family routed themselves in Jaisalmer - a tourist spot in Rajasthan.  once they reached the destination, what they are seeing is a big crowd enjoying their holidays.

The atmosphere is very cold yet crowdy. People are covered with cloths to
save themselves from freezing pink cold. It's 4:30 am in morning. Mr Naydu is aware of the place so they are ready to start their fun. Antariksh also googled some details and they are completely prepare to walk around with any guidance. The real fun begins after the station. First of all, they got some place to fresh up and have some tea and snacks.

The sleepy mood ran away in the excitement of journey. But the God is sometime in the mood of playing hard. Just after they had their breakfast: Some snatcher gang came on the bike and covered the family. They threatened Naydu n family to give away all the things which they have. Now, Mr Naydu is a man with good understanding. So instead of fighting with them, he allowed them to take whatever they had. Those burglars took all of the stuff including purses, money, luggage, phones, etc. The family left alone with no help @ 5:30 am in the morning. This is the time when they are not going to get any help from any one. Not even police!!!

The incident is a big stroke to the family's mentality. Mrs Naydu started crying. They found one place to sit and at the same time some other lady was also crying at the same place. Antariksh asked that lady the reason. Surprisingly, that lady was also one of the victim but her luggage was stolen not snatched. Anyway, situation was same. In such situation, No one was able to think about what to do next. Suddenly, Ruby woke up and inspired Antariksh to handle situation.

Mr Naydu and Ruby stood there along with Mrs Naydu and Antariksh went to police station. The police officer played a very serious role of being kind. He just wrote a simple application (Not even FIR... :( ). Antariksh called one friend and arranged all the material to continue the journey. He returned to his parents and said few words of happiness. I don't know what he said but whole family agreed to continue the trip (even with the off-mood). They completed their whole trip and decided not to have any such trip.

But Antariksh and Ruby are still in the hope of convincing their parents because they know that "All that matters is Happiness!!..."

Sunday 21 August 2016

Next time! when your child ask for play Computer Game, you will be saying YES!!!! If you have read this....

Earn Money By Playing Games

Is It So?!!

Yes, you are reading it right... If you feel your child is ruining his/her life by playing too much games then you may be wrong. Because there are lots of games in the world, who can earn you million dollar. Then you must be questioning about why i am not doing it and writing this stupid blog. For that, Let me tell you my friend that, playing game is easy and achieving a stage where you start earning is not some beginner's fun. I have already tied up my hands with many other things but whenever i'll get free time, i am going to try it.

For creating attraction, lemme give you example of the most famous DOTA game. Every year, a tournament is organized. The winner team is getting much more money than our routine salary job or a business. In 2016, the distributed prize amount was $20,770,460. (It took 30-50 seconds for me to spell this number...). This international competition was  held @Seattle. (For more information, Just google it or visit reference-1).

Playing, Winning and Earning

"Elders say that
when you do something,
do it for a purpose."

Every time, when a new game is launched in market, first task should be to do a research. There are possibilities that game is coming with chances to earn. For example, Playing rummy, poker, etc. can be a source of income. These games can pay you up to some thousands. If you are a good player then you can make it full time job to play and earn.

Some games even help you increase your social networking. For example, Ingress is a well-established game with a networking base virtual reality world concept. It encourages you to travel the world and visit different sites (you can say Pokรฉmon Go is a copy of virtual reality based game). 

For earning through Games, There are two (indirectly many) ways,

  • Either you select a game which is being played in competitive manner and there is money to win
  • You play every game, become a master and start promoting their game (companies will pay you to promote their game)
Both case requires proper concentration, determination and willingness to win. However, if we count indirect ways then there are many ways.
  • Either you can start creating plug-ins for games
  • Hard-wares which make it more easier to play (For example, drone controlled through phone and connected to phone GPS for Pokรฉmon Go)
  • Arrange tournaments
    • Get sponsors
    • keep prizes
    • registration, etc.
    • Generate your own event
    • Use your business mind and marketing techniques
  • Create a game yourself
  • Play for some others and get good scores for them
  • And Many More....
In case, you need my help just leave a comment here... :)



Monday 15 August 2016

How to be long-distant best Parent?

Long Distance Paranting


I may not be a right person for this topic but few months back, i got one assignment to work on. I am just posting my finding of that time. In today's life, you may find it very hard to be at one place constantly. I have heard that IT jobs are like a cats n dogs fight. you fight with your company, change your job.
Being a parent has never been a simple job. The tasks becomes more challenging, when a parent is geographically far away from their kids. Each parent, i.e. father and mother, has different perspective. The optimal development of children requires the perspectives of both. The child’s self-image, moral development and ability to develop positive relationships are influenced by the role of father and mother both. However, the long distances, whatever the reason it may be for, reduces intimacy and understanding between the parents and the children. It is possible that, such distances may get converted into the emotional distances. It is the responsibility of parent to take care of such situation and handle scenario before the loss of emotions. This requires the parent to have compassion, commitment and integrity to the parent-child relationship. This essay emphasis on the effective ways that helps geographically far located father because of job to maintain close relationship with his children (Defoe, 1719).

2.      The word “Long-Distance”

Generally, long-distance phrase is referred to indicate the distance which gives a feeling of really far. Even if it is a centimeter distance, it may be considered as long distance. However, as one of the definition of Long-distance, Oxford dictionary has following content. “Denoting or relating to a race distance of 6 miles or 10,000 meters (6 miles 376 yds), or longer” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2016).

3.      Kid’s relationship with long-distant father

The overall well-being of children is largely influenced by the mere presence of father figure in their life. It was reported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that due to absence of father from children’s life, the change of drug and alcohol addiction, criminality, poor education performance, mental illness, teen pregnancy, suicide, etc. among children increases. The father by their presence in contributes significantly to the child’s mental peacefulness. Nearly 63% youth suicides and 85% of children suffering from behavioral disorders belongs to fatherless home. Thus, the involvement of father in the kids’ lives is very essential. Simply giving financial and emotional support will not do to maintain physical health of the kids (Defoe, 1719).
 Keeping lines of communication open with kids is always beneficial for the long-distance dad. The father should have regular contact with his kids by telephoning. In today’s high-tech communication age, conversation, exchange of photos, etc. have become very easy through emails. It is possible to have virtual visitation, real time and face-to-face conversation with the help of web-cam. The regular contact will keep a long-distance dad aware of the kids’ daily activities and progress (Ashley, 2008).
Maintaining good relationship with the mother supports the long-distance dad a lot. It gives the dad a full picture of happenings in the children’s lives. As in the absence of father, it is a mother who looks after the children’s school schedules, their homework, school activities and other various daily stuff. In case mother is happy, she will support the attempts and efforts of the long-distance dad to stay in touch with his kids. If mother is unhappy due certain activities of father, it is possible that she may bad mouth the long-distance father to kids and may influence their relationship with their dad (Ashley, 2008).  
Due to technological advancement, it is possible for the long-distance dad to maintain balance between work and family. He has an opportunity to involve in the kids’ lives, and have better and regular interaction with them. They have better chance to resolve the problems, confusion and dilemmas of kids, as well as impart them essential understanding and knowledge for their optimal development.
Showcasing commitment assists in holding solid relationship, specifically during odd times. A father needs to show his commitment to create the highest level of trust. Every effort seems to be ineffective if the child don’t feel the commitment from father. This dedication is required more over the age. As children grow, their expectations from father also grow and amount of carefulness required also grow (Ashley, 2008).


Ashley, Steven. The Long-Distance Dad: How You Can Be There for Your Child-Whether Divorced, Deployed, or on-the road. Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2008. Print.
Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. London: Macmillan and Company, 1719. Print.

Oxford Dictionaries. “Definition of long distance in English”. 2016. 11 May 2016.

Sunday 17 July 2016

A New Deadly Virus : Pokemon Goooooooooo!!!!!

          History says that every new game captures the market very rapidly if it has something creative, it relates to the childhood and it creates an endless competition. On 6th July, 2016, same thing got released in the market with the name "Pokรฉmon Go". The game is basically related to the Pokรฉmon cartoon. Name, itself, attracts the people. (I'm sure you'll google out the history and details of game owners...)

It’s been 11 days to its release (as I am writing this thing on 17th July 2017). Before 6 days, i.e. 11th July, 2016, it was reported that there are 5.9% of android user who are active in this game. Wagner (2016) also suggested that estimated user count might be around 9.5 million USA citizens. There are N number of articles published, various tools and techniques are developed to play it better. Even a race is started to be on top. According to top players, the game has yet to be in its full mode because there are many features to evolve the market.

Let's take a small look at what the hell this game is!!?? The game is designed on the basis of virtual reality. There is one character, presenting the player and a virtual world layer created on the top of the actual world. Now, the game is to travel the world and move along all the places. Whenever you move, the character in the game also moves in the same direction. After few distance, you will see a Pokรฉmon, all you need to do is hit it with a ball and catch it... (Like the one shown in the image here). According to the experience and amount of travel, your level is decided. (It increases gradually). This is basic rule of game, travel and collect. After a certain level, there are other parts also which will come as you start following the game. For the game, there should be GPS enabled and data network.

The game has created such an impression that people are doing crazy things in order to play it. Some people are trace passing in the properties where they are not allowed to. There are many incidents reported with nuisance work. People are not looking at the road, they are just looking on mobile screen and catch Pokรฉmon. Walking person is not even listening to her companion. Recently, I heard about a truck accident which happened because the driver was playing this bloody game and he didn't care for others. There are many more such effects.

Now this game is creating both positive and negative effects. As a positive effect, first of all, it is keeping those busy whose minds are free (I guess they must be on the bench...J). People, like me, are trying to find ways to earn from this game. There are people who say that this game has created a very positive effect on their mental health. (I didn't believe them!!! can you? Check here...). However, I would suggest you to refer this article for checking out the mental effects of this game.

Today, when I started typing in google for some search work. I just started typing “How to” and I got the suggestions “How to play Pokรฉmon Go” as first suggestion. J. I wonder, how much, people used it in last 10-12 days. It has also got the attention of hackers. Recently, hackers crashed game's server by DDOS methods. The game has taken the level of play from children’s hand to the real world. It is good that it is encouraging people to travel the world. But let’s hope that people do enjoy the beauty of the world during this travel and don’t fall blind behind the madness of this game. I guess playing it for some time isn’t going to create any harm… What you have to say about this?

Wagner, K. (2016). How many people are actually playing Pokรฉmon Go? Here’s our best guess so far. Just a little back-of-the-napkin math. Retrieved on July 17, 2016, from

Cnet. (2016). 17 tips for Pokemon Go. Retrieved on July 17, 2016, from

Attn. (2016). Pokรฉmon Go Is Having an Effect on Players' Mental Health. Retrieved on July 17, 2016, from

BeautyNot. (2016). How Pokรฉmon Go effects Your Mental Health. Retrieved on July 17, 2016, from

Sunday 10 July 2016

Utna hi teri adaao ka mere dil pe chhaya khumaar he...

No matter, how much pain you are in the ass!!!
No matter, how you act in your normal ways... :D
Only i know, how deep you care for me...

Thank you my dear for taking a task of renovating my life...
(I know its a bit tough task... :P)

Dedicated to my dearest piece of heart...

kabhi jaagte hue khabo me to kabhi sote hue sapno me,
tum maano na maano par hamare liye tum ho mere apno me....
parinde ko hawaa se aur mitti ko pani se jitna pyaar he,
utna hi teri adaao ka mere dil pe chhaya khumaar he...

har lamhe ko puri khushi se jina sikhaya he tumne,
is duniya ki sari khubsurti pe dhyan dilaya he tumne....
aatar ki khushbu ko logo k sukun se jitna pyaar he,
utna hi teri adaao ka mere dil pe chhaya khumaar he...

tumhare liye paagal hua hu ye mera ikrar he,
dhadkane suni to pata chala k sala dil hi kahi faraar he...
khuda ko insaan se aur insaan ko apni jaan se jitna pyaar he,
utna hi teri adaao ka mere dil pe chhaya khumaar he...


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เคงเฅœเค•เคจे เคธुเคจी เคคो เคชเคคा เคšเคฒा เค•े เคธाเคฒा เคฆिเคฒ เคนी เค•เคนी เคซเคฐाเคฐ เคนैं !
เค–ुเคฆा เค•ो เค‡เคจ्เคธाเคจ เคธे เค”เคฐ เค‡เคจ्เคธाเคจ เค•ो เค…เคชเคจी เคœाเคจ เคธे เคœिเคคเคจा เคช्เคฏाเคฐ เคนैं ,
เค‰เคคเคจा เคนी เคคेเคฐी เค…เคฆाเค“ं  เค•ा เคฎेเคฐे เคฆिเคฒ เคชे เค›ाเคฏा เค–ुเคฎाเคฐ เคนैं!