Friday 6 May 2016

Autism : A Matter to care

Symptoms of Autism:
            Autism can be identified by different possible features like communication problems, Social insufficiencies and repetitive behaviors (Kim, Szatmari, Bryson, Streiner and Wilson 2000). These deficiencies increase the problems in life as a person may not able to take their normal work culture.
            There can be different kinds of conversation issues like some of them may not speak at all. If person with autism speaks then also he might have some other issues like understanding the sentences from another person, blabbering, repeating the same talk again and again, not getting the expressions, not able to convey own feelings etc. without proper training, they may not be able to learn some basic expressions like hungry, emotionalism etc.
            Socially, these children face many difficulties. They often find it hard to be engaged in groups or friends. Some time, it is very easy to say or express. Talking with hand gestures is out of their current understanding. Moreover, they can’t understand or predict the next default behavior.


Kim J. A., Szatmari P., Bryson S. E., Streiner D. L. and Wilson F. J. (2000). The Prevalence of Anxiety and Mood Problems among Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication

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